Liam & Cheery Engagement Session in Hyde Park, William Street, Perth, WA.

Q: Tell us your full proposal story. When did it happen? How were you feeling? Did you expect it?

Liam: We were at rottnest for the day. We spent the day riding around and enjoying the sun. Towards the end of the day we found a beautifully calm beach with no one else around. After sitting and watching the waves for a while, I asked Cheery to marry me.


Q: What’s been your favourite part about being engaged?

L: Definitely being able to say “my fiance” whenever I refer to Cheery.


Q: What are your current plans for your wedding day?

L: We’ll start at Sacred heart church where the ceremony will take place. We’ll get married. After there will be gelato before heading to the reception at maylands yacht club where we can eat and drink and dance.

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If you are after someone to document and capture your day in the most genuine manner, feel free to send me a message regarding my pricing and availability.